As a family-owned company, we want to set an example with our entrepreneurial actions. We assume responsibility for society as a whole and help to shape the framework conditions for an ecologically sustainable future in which life is worth living. We therefore undertake to comply with all legal regulations and the supplementary Schöck-specific rules of conduct as laid down in our Compliance Guidelines and the Code of Conduct when carrying out our business activities. We act fairly, communicate transparently and reject any form of unfair influence on competition. We are committed to ecological, forward-thinking construction through our membership in associations. An extraordinary feature of the company is that 62% of the annual dividend is used to support charities through the majority shareholders, Eberhard Schöck Foundation and Schöck Family Foundation. Compliance and social engagement Schöck complies with laws and rejects any form of corruption. Schöck is committed to society. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels Sustainability goals: Sustainability topic: The following SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are supported by the measures in this topic: Schöck Sustainability Report 2022 95