Comandante Ferraz Station

The design divides the station into two core blocks, organized according to function (Photo: Afaconsult/Estúdio 41)

An architectural rendering of the Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (EACF) as seen from Admiralty Bay (Photo: Afaconsult/Estúdio 41)

A construction crane positions a floor truss over the steel column support system with flange-mounted Isokorb® S22 structural thermal breaks installed to prevent thermal bridging (Photo: Afaconsult/Estúdio 41)

The project team is deploying 218 Schöck Isokorb® structural thermal breaks (Photo: Afaconsult/Estúdio 41)

An underside view of the floor-truss grid and the steel support system (Photo: Afaconsult/Estúdio 41)
The Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (EACF) is a scientific research outpost that will support technological research in a secure workspace, while providing safe and comfortable living conditions.
Clad in concealed-fitting, galvanized and coated sheet steel panels with rigid polyurethane foam insulation, the façade is corrosion-resistant, low-maintenance, and highly resistant to wind, driving snow and intense cold. In addition, the EACF is fabricated in elongated, streamlined, prefabricated modular sections to mitigate wind force. The steel structure supporting the floors consists of trusses positioned along a grid. Latticed, vertical braces support the roofs. Walls are placed at a maximum of 12 m apart. All these components sit atop a system of steel pillars, which transfer the load of the building onto the ice.
To mitigate what may be the most extreme example of thermal bridging on earth, the project team is deploying 218 Schöck Isokorb® structural thermal breaks (STBs) between the building's interior steel-framing and its exterior steel support pillars and staircases. "The STBs connect the steel structure and withstand shear force, tensile/traction, and pressure absorption, while dramatically reducing thermal energy loss. Another advantage corresponds to their modular construction. They work with all steel types and profiles and are constructed from non-rusting stainless steel, offering long-lasting corrosion protection. I also want to acknowledge the technical support given by Schöck, which was essential for this process," says Afaconsult project engineer Rui Furtado.
Estúdio 41, Brazil
Afaconsult, Portugal
CEIEC, China
Brazilian Navy