
Gap-free balcony parts of various lengths were designed in building area 1 of the Westarkaden Heidelberg. Photo: Moritz Bernoully

The balcony overhangs in building area 1 of the Westarkaden were also designed across corners. Photo: Moritz Bernoully

Cold loggias in building area 1 provide residents with a quiet and calm retreat area. Photo: Moritz Bernoully

The striking feature of the three buildings of the Westarkaden include, among others, the different geometrically designed balconies, several of which have lengths up to 21 m. Photo: Schöck Bauteile GmbH

To ensure good exposed concrete quality, the balconies were made in a prefab-ricating plant. The Schöck Isokorb CXT load-bearing thermal insulation element was set in place and integrated. Photo: Schöck Bauteile GmbH

On site, the precast elements including the Isokorb were sealed with the floor slab. Photo: Schöck Bauteile GmbH

The tension bars of the Schöck Isokorb CXT load-bearing thermal insulation ele-ment are made of a glass fiber composite material that is characterized by the lowest thermal conductivity. Photo: Schöck Bauteile GmbH
The district "Bahnstadt" in Heidelberg/Germany emerged in 2017 from a design concept by WWA Architekten in Munich for the conversion of an area formerly used as a railway center. 5.000 people already live and work in what has grown to become the world's largest Passive House community. The "Westarkaden" are part of this district - a three part building ensemble with mixed use for residential, commercial and gastronomy which will host among others stores and restaurants, 300 family-friendly accessible rental apartments, office space and a kindergarten. The challenge was to bring a private residential area and an access to public life together. Various loggias and balconies were designed to offer a retreat space to the residents. Almost each balcony and loggia had to be specially designed with a high level of detailed planning to minimize the thermal bridges and meet the Passive House standard. Schöck Isokorb® CXT with tension bars made of glass fiber composite material was used for the connection of the balconies and loggias thus reducing the thermal bridges to a minimum.
Unmüssig, Freiburg
WWA Architekten, Munich
archis Architekten + Ingenieure GmbH, Karlsruhe
Peter Gross Bau GmbH, Karlsruhe
SCHREIBER Ingenieure, Stuttgart
Pies Betonsteinwerk, Andernach-Miesenheim
Bayer Bauphysik, Fellbach