Favourites of the building sector have been honoured

November 23 – Schöck is triple winner of the Architects' Darling Award 2023: The building product manufacturer wins the gold trophy for the Isokorb structural thermal break and for the Combar glass fibre composite reinforcement in underground car parks; silver goes to the Tronsole impact sound insulation element. With this year's award, Schöck was named the sector's favourite for the eighth consecutive year. The ceremony for the Architects' Darling Award 2023 took place on November 8 in Celle/Germany.

Since 2011, Germany's largest cross-media survey, the Architects' Darling Award, has been organised by the industry information platform Heinze. This year, 1,949 experts from the fields of architecture, planning and architectural communication assessed and ranked around 200 manufacturers and brands from the building sector.

The Architects' Darling Award: an established barometer for the profession

For the company, the award is an important indicator of the position of its products in the market and therefore a very special award, as Mike Bucher, CEO of Schöck AG, explains: "Our aim is always to provide architects and planners with innovative solutions and the highest quality so that they can achieve outstanding design and the best thermal and structural performance for their projects. We work on this every day and are constantly developing our products further. Being awarded again this year, and for three of our products, is a great confirmation that we have been able to fulfil the requirements and needs."

Award-winning products and materials

When it comes to the energy-efficient connection of cantilevered building parts such as balconies, parapets or canopies, Schöck Isokorb is state of the art. The latest innovation in the portfolio - Isokorb CXT type A - is the first Isokorb made entirely without steel. It separates parapets thermally in the long term. This ensures optimum thermal insulation and at the same time offers a great deal of freedom in terms of architectural design: even streamlined components in exposed concrete can be realised with Isokorb CXT type A.

Corrosion-resistant, high-strength, non-conductive and easily machinable - thanks to its multiple material properties, the glass fibre composite Combar developed by Schöck plays a key role in various applications: whether as a superior alternative to steel reinforcement, such as in underground car parks, or as part of a product, for example in Schöck Isolink façade anchors. In addition, Combar has been the only bar-shaped, non-metallic reinforcement approved by the building authorities since 2008.

The Tronsole impact sound insulation system was also one of Schöck's award-winning products, achieving silver this year. The Tronsole system has been providing peace and quiet in staircases since 1985: the impact sound insulation elements are approved by the building authorities, are reliably load-bearing and reduce noise to a minimum. The product range offers solutions for landings and flights, for precast or in-situ concrete, and for streamlined landings in exposed concrete.


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