Management reshuffle at Schöck.

Baden-Baden, Juni 24 - Schöck AG, a corporation with headquarters in Baden-Baden that leads the market in Germany and is active internationally, is restructuring its management. The supervisory board and former chairman of the executive board, Mike Bucher, agreed to part ways with effect from 31 May 2024 due to their different views on the future direction of the Schöck Group. New executive board chairman will be Alfons Hörmann, who switched from the supervisory board on 1 June to take over the operational management of the company. This ensures the seamless handover of the management necessary in these difficult times in the construction industry.

Alfons Hörmann has been a member of the supervisory board since 1998. In 2003 he took over as chairman of the supervisory board from company founder, Eberhard Schöck, where he helped write the success story of the company until 2017 before stepping into the role of chairman of the executive board from 2018 to 2020. He will now move from his current position as vice-chairman of the supervisory board to take up duties once again on the operational management side at the request of the Schöck family and of the supervisory board, as well as taking over as chairman of the executive board and also responsibility for marketing/sales. Together with the two long-standing members of the executive board, Dr. Harald Braasch (Technology) and Thomas Stürzl (Finance), the focus will be on positioning Schöck AG to make it crisis-proof and on redefining the strategic orientation of the company. Around 1000 employees are currently working at the Schöck Group's three national branches and numerous subsidiaries abroad.

Nikolaus Wild, chairman of the supervisory board, sums up the current change of direction: “We would like to sincerely thank Mike Bucher for his dedication and constructive collaboration at the management level of the company group and wish him all the best for the future. The supervisory board is delighted that Alfons Hörmann, who is highly respected for his vast knowledge and experience of the industry as a whole and of Schöck in particular, is taking on this undeniably challenging task. Together with the entire team, he will navigate the crisis and prepare Schöck for the future path to growth. We, the members of the supervisory board, will give him and his team our unwavering support.”

Felicitas Schöck, member of the supervisory board and representative of the Schöck family foundations: “It gives the family and our two non-profit-making foundations great peace of mind to know that our company is in the safe hands of two entrepreneurs with many years of experience: Nikolaus Wild as chairman of the supervisory board and Alfons Hörmann as chairman of the executive board. After important changes in the orientation of the company, Alfons Hörmann is returning as chairman of the supervisory board to ensure the continuous development at Schöck also in the medium term.“

Alfons Hörmann is looking forward to the new challenge: “Schöck has been close to my heart for more than 25 years. That’s why I immediately said ‘yes’ to the family and supervisory board when asked to return to the day-to-day running of the company. Together with the colleagues on the executive board and the well-versed management team, we will continue to write the incredible success story of the company, navigate the crisis and set the course for future success. I have a sense of duty to the legacy of company founder, Eberhard Schöck, who was a role model for us all, and want to play my part in ensuring that his ideas and values continue to be actively put into practice at the company.”


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