District Leimbach

In the district Leimbach, in the city of Zürich, a residential building with 15 apartments has been erected for those suffering from illnesses caused by the environment. This building meets strict ecological standards.
This building is an achievement for the MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) patients who founded the Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Gesundes Wohnen (Housing Association for Healthy Living) MCS, in 2008.
There were two important aspects concerning the construction that had to be taken into account from the outset. On the one hand, primary mineral-based building materials were to be used, as they are virtually emission-free. On the other hand, electro biology guidelines had to be fulfilled. The entire construction was therefore designed free of steel, as far as possible. Instead of the usual steel reinforcement the glass fiber reinforcement Schöck Combar® was used. Combar® has the same composite properties as concrete steel, but is neither electrically conductive nor magnetizable.
Andreas Zimmermann Architekten AG, 8004 Zürich
Wohnbaugenossenschaft Gesundes Wohnen MCS, 8005 Zurich
Heyer Kaufmann Partner Bauingenieure AG, Zürich
Gautschi Bau AG, Affoltern am Albis
WT Partner GmbH, Zürich