High-rise block "Scheibe C"

Visible from afar, the ensemble of five high-rise blocks characterises the silhouette of Halle-Neustadt. On behalf of the principal, SLS Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft Halle mbH, the middle building was extensively refurbished following more than 20 years of vacancy. The so-called ‘Scheibe C’ - built at the beginning of the 1970s - was to be returned to its original use as a student residence and supplied entirely with renewable energy.
The project was funded as the Variowohnungen model project in the Zukunft Bau innovation programme of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB). The programme focused on the sustainable and energy-efficient development of the building sector and responding to demographic change. The structurally inadequate building fabric posed a particular challenge. Instead of demolition, the old, suspended balconies were cut off and the building was gutted to conserve resources.
Schöck Isokorb® was used to create a reliable, load-bearing and energy-efficient connection for each of the new balconies. The Schöck Stacon® dowel was used for the structural lateral connection of the balcony slabs.
You can find the detailed property report on the project here.