Les Turbulences, FRAC Centre

Under the national program of revitalization of FRAC (Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain), the Central Region, in the heart of Orleans, opened a modern building with innovative architecture in September 2013. With the aim to better meet the needs of contemporary art lovers while promoting the historic military supply depot.
The architect firm, Jakob + MacFarlane, wished to capitalize on a strong aesthetic in the heart of the urban environment. Built in the old building Subsistances Military, the structure is based on a geometric distortion by the emergence of a dynamic set of three volumes of glass. These three "Turbulence" are wrapped in a metal mesh on the outside and fabric inside. The project architect's intention for FRAC Centre is to create a place of constant change through a "live" and interactive architecture that combines image, light and information. A system of diodes positioned on Turbulence will highlight program FRAC through an animated game designed by Electronic Shadow artists.
To ensure complete isolation of the building, the complex architecture and its metal frame, the thermal breaks, Schöck Isokorb® T type S were integrated to treat energy loss at the connection of the frame with the outer skin. Schöck Isokorb® T type S is a steel to steel thermal break connection that takes the bending moment and shear force in cantilevered metal structures.
Read more about The Les Turbulences FRAC Centre, featured in Architectural Record.
Jakob + MacFarlane SARL, Paris
ERTCM Industry Epinac
Icade G3A, Orleans
Regional Council Centre, Orléans
Louis Choulet, Clermont-Ferrand
Batiserf Engineering Fountain