Tax office building Karlsruhe

The production of the special façade structure for the tax office building in Karlsruhe posed great challenges. The construction contractor finally found a solution in Schöck Isolink®, since it could act as a load-bearing component while connecting the outer shell panel and the load-bearing shell panel in a way that is energy efficient. The façade anchor is made of the specially developed and produced Combar® fiberglass composite material, which makes it extremely tensile and has extremely low thermal conductivity.
The façade is made up of 350 precast concrete parts. In order to make the unusual façade structure a reality, it was imperative to use high quality exposed concrete. Each of the facade elements, which were produced in the precast plant, was sandblasted to create a special texture and a uniform surface appearance.
Schöck Isolink® type C-SH and type C-SD were used to provide a force transmitting connection of the outer shell panel to the inner concrete shell panel as well as thermal decoupling of the concrete façade at the same time.
Vermögen und Bau Baden-Württemberg, Amt Karlsruhe
Wittfoht Architekten, Stuttgart
KREBS+KIEFER Ingenieure, Karlsruhe
Fa. Dreßler Bau GMbH, Stockstadt am Main
Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co. KG, Satteldorf