Schöck Combar® for general building construction
If you want to minimize electromagnetic fields in your living environment, then the glass fibre reinforcement Schöck Combar® is the ideal, ecologically proven and certified product for you. The choice of building material plays a crucial role in your future well being in your own home. Combar® is neither electrically conductive nor magnetizable. The natural geomagnetic field remains unaffected. The carry-over of electrical fields is not possible. This type of reinforcement allows you to enjoy a healthy living and working environment.
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The glass fibre reinforcement Schöck Combar® is suitable for use in concrete components such as:
- Foundations
- Floor panels
- Ceilings
- Ring anchors
- Beams
- Supports
Case studies:
- Bodenplatte Einfamilienhaus (Floor panels for single family homes), Iphofen
- MCS-gerechtes Wohnen, Wohnanlage für umweltkranke Menschen (Residential housing for people suffering from environmental illnesses), Zürich, Switzerland
- Bodenplatte Einfamilienhaus (Floor panels for single-family homes), Fahrwangen, Switzerland
- Ceilings, ring anchors, floor panels, single-family homes, Schöftland, Switzerland
Detailed case studies can be found here.